Title: The Skeleton’s Compass 2022
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Sandra L. Martin
Writer: Cris Loveless
Stars: Luke Loveless, Caleb Baumann, Reagan Shumate
How to watch The Skeleton’s Compass 2022 online?
The main character of the movie is a boy named Champ. The guy has a best friend, Stryker, whom they have known since grade 2. There is also Jenny living in spirit houses from a teenager, and Reer is her closest friend. Young people constantly spend time in this company, ride ATVs, and, like ordinary schoolchildren, they simply love video games. They all live in a quiet and peaceful area of Georgia, where nothing interesting ever happens. But one day, the parents inform Champ that they will have to move to another city due to financial difficulties. And then, he decides to go with his friends to the forest for the last time, just to say goodbye to them. However, the guy, having stumbled, suddenly falls into a hole, where he finds an ancient skeleton. And when, together with Stryker, they examined the find, then they found a strange compass around his neck, and in the foliage – a map indicating the burial of treasures. And this, as well as possible, by the way, because if they manage to find the treasure. It will help their relatives solve their difficulties, and then they won’t have to give up their usual life. Moreover, there are true friends nearby who will go on a dangerous adventure with him. Watch free movie online on afdah info streaming site.
Genres: 2022 Movies | Adventure, Family
Quality: HD
Directors: Sandra L. Martin
Writer: Cris Loveless
Stars: Luke Loveless, Caleb Baumann, Reagan Shumate
How to watch The Skeleton’s Compass 2022 online?
The main character of the movie is a boy named Champ. The guy has a best friend, Stryker, whom they have known since grade 2. There is also Jenny living in spirit houses from a teenager, and Reer is her closest friend. Young people constantly spend time in this company, ride ATVs, and, like ordinary schoolchildren, they simply love video games. They all live in a quiet and peaceful area of Georgia, where nothing interesting ever happens. But one day, the parents inform Champ that they will have to move to another city due to financial difficulties. And then, he decides to go with his friends to the forest for the last time, just to say goodbye to them. However, the guy, having stumbled, suddenly falls into a hole, where he finds an ancient skeleton. And when, together with Stryker, they examined the find, then they found a strange compass around his neck, and in the foliage – a map indicating the burial of treasures. And this, as well as possible, by the way, because if they manage to find the treasure. It will help their relatives solve their difficulties, and then they won’t have to give up their usual life. Moreover, there are true friends nearby who will go on a dangerous adventure with him. Watch free movie online on afdah info streaming site.
2022, Adventure Movies, Family Movies