Title: Wish Dragon 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Animation,
Quality: HD
Directors: Chris Appelhans
Writer: Chris Appelhans, Xiaocao Liu,
Stars: John Cho, Jimmy Wong, Natasha Liu Bordizzo
How to watch Wish Dragon 2021 online?
Wish Dragon is an animated movie which is directed by Chris Appelhans with the actors’ John Cho, Jimmy Wong, Natasha Liu Bordizzo who give their voice to the movie characters. The movie story revolving around the teenage age boy Din who earns money from part jobs to give the gift to his childhood friend. For the job, he leaves his college classes. His childhood friend is too rich and she lives in a high-profile town. They have moved from Din’s town some years ago but Din remembers his childhood friend. On duty one day he got a teapot as a payment from a client. That teapot is magical because a dragon come out from there and told Din to ask for his three wish that is filled full by the dragon. So, Din how to use these wishes in this movie? It is a great adventure for the audience. Visit afdah movies 2021 to watch movies without paying charges.
2021 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies
Genres: 2021 Movies | Adventure, Comedy, Animation,
Quality: HD
Directors: Chris Appelhans
Writer: Chris Appelhans, Xiaocao Liu,
Stars: John Cho, Jimmy Wong, Natasha Liu Bordizzo
How to watch Wish Dragon 2021 online?
Wish Dragon is an animated movie which is directed by Chris Appelhans with the actors’ John Cho, Jimmy Wong, Natasha Liu Bordizzo who give their voice to the movie characters. The movie story revolving around the teenage age boy Din who earns money from part jobs to give the gift to his childhood friend. For the job, he leaves his college classes. His childhood friend is too rich and she lives in a high-profile town. They have moved from Din’s town some years ago but Din remembers his childhood friend. On duty one day he got a teapot as a payment from a client. That teapot is magical because a dragon come out from there and told Din to ask for his three wish that is filled full by the dragon. So, Din how to use these wishes in this movie? It is a great adventure for the audience. Visit afdah movies 2021 to watch movies without paying charges.
2021 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies, Comedy Movies