Title: Wonderstruck (2017)
Genres: 2017 Movies | Drama, Family, Mystery
Language: English
Directors: Todd Haynes
Writers: Brian Selznick, Brian Selznick
Stars: Oakes Fegley, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams
Synopsis: Wonderstruck (The Wonderland Museum), the latest film by Todd Haynes , after his stint at the Cannes and San Sebastian Festivals, arrives on the Spanish billboards on January 5. Wonderstruck is a film adaptation of the book of the same name by Brian Selznick , whose script is written by the writer himself. His book, The Invention by Hugo Cabret was taken to the cinema in 2011 by Martin Scorsese and, like this film, Wonderstruck is a moving story about invention, the family and our connection to the past. Watch more afdah movies online like this without paying any cost.
Genres: 2017 Movies | Drama, Family, Mystery
Language: English
Directors: Todd Haynes
Writers: Brian Selznick, Brian Selznick
Stars: Oakes Fegley, Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams
Synopsis: Wonderstruck (The Wonderland Museum), the latest film by Todd Haynes , after his stint at the Cannes and San Sebastian Festivals, arrives on the Spanish billboards on January 5. Wonderstruck is a film adaptation of the book of the same name by Brian Selznick , whose script is written by the writer himself. His book, The Invention by Hugo Cabret was taken to the cinema in 2011 by Martin Scorsese and, like this film, Wonderstruck is a moving story about invention, the family and our connection to the past. Watch more afdah movies online like this without paying any cost.
2017 Movies, Drama Movies, Family Movies, Mystery Movies