Title: Yellow Is The New Black 2018
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Short, Adventure
IMDB Rating: 5.9/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Serguei Kouchnerov, Fabien Polack
Writer: Jeff Lowell, Ted Travelstead
Stars: Pierre Coffin, Brian T. Delaney, Carlos Alazraqui
Synopsis: Two non-bones are serving prison sentences. One day they manage to escape with the help of another prisoner during their outgoing duties. However, the escape for freedom does not follow the plan. Watch more animation movies on afdah online without membership.
2018 Movies, Adventure Movies, Animation Movies
Genres: 2018 Movies | Animation, Short, Adventure
IMDB Rating: 5.9/10
Quality: 720p
Directors: Serguei Kouchnerov, Fabien Polack
Writer: Jeff Lowell, Ted Travelstead
Stars: Pierre Coffin, Brian T. Delaney, Carlos Alazraqui
Synopsis: Two non-bones are serving prison sentences. One day they manage to escape with the help of another prisoner during their outgoing duties. However, the escape for freedom does not follow the plan. Watch more animation movies on afdah online without membership.