Title: Zeros and Ones 2021
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, War
Quality: HD
Directors: Abel Ferrara
Writer: Abel Ferrara
Stars: Ethan Hawke, Valerio Mastandrea, Cristina Chiriac
How to watch Zeros and Ones 2021 online?
Zeros and Ones 2021 is an Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, and full of War Hollywood movie. Abel Ferrara has done directions as well as story writing work too. Till now 3.3/10 IMDB Viewers ratings are scored by the film. Ferrara’s terrified camera records J.J. (Hawke), an elite American soldier on a cryptic covert mission, so it’s evident that the outbreak was a burden to shooting for him. That’s why we need to find Justin (Hawk), his twin brother, an imprisoned rebel who we observe being interrogated and tortured. J.J. is being watched by foreign spies. He jumps from one unethical competition to another while documenting his journey. Cruel, grainy neighbors discovered him in an empty apartment and, later, at a mosque having tea with a mullah, a woman, and children – may be his brother’s family. There might be a terrorist attack in the city, but J.J. is busy with several thin prostitutes (“they are both negative,” his madam advertises) and a gorgeous Russian woman (played by the director’s spouse, Christina Chirac) who offered him sex at gunpoint. Is coercive. The only thing we know for certain at this time is that Ferrara, bless his guttersnipes’ soul, is still at peace with himself. More newly released similar movies full of Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, and War are waiting for you on Afdah 2021, visit and enjoy full-length movies without ads.
Genres: 2021 Movies | Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, War
Quality: HD
Directors: Abel Ferrara
Writer: Abel Ferrara
Stars: Ethan Hawke, Valerio Mastandrea, Cristina Chiriac
How to watch Zeros and Ones 2021 online?
Zeros and Ones 2021 is an Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, and full of War Hollywood movie. Abel Ferrara has done directions as well as story writing work too. Till now 3.3/10 IMDB Viewers ratings are scored by the film. Ferrara’s terrified camera records J.J. (Hawke), an elite American soldier on a cryptic covert mission, so it’s evident that the outbreak was a burden to shooting for him. That’s why we need to find Justin (Hawk), his twin brother, an imprisoned rebel who we observe being interrogated and tortured. J.J. is being watched by foreign spies. He jumps from one unethical competition to another while documenting his journey. Cruel, grainy neighbors discovered him in an empty apartment and, later, at a mosque having tea with a mullah, a woman, and children – may be his brother’s family. There might be a terrorist attack in the city, but J.J. is busy with several thin prostitutes (“they are both negative,” his madam advertises) and a gorgeous Russian woman (played by the director’s spouse, Christina Chirac) who offered him sex at gunpoint. Is coercive. The only thing we know for certain at this time is that Ferrara, bless his guttersnipes’ soul, is still at peace with himself. More newly released similar movies full of Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, and War are waiting for you on Afdah 2021, visit and enjoy full-length movies without ads.
2021 Movies, Action Movies, Adventure Movies, Drama Movies, Thriller Movies, War Movies